As graduation season fast approaches, make sure you have a card for all the special graduates in your life with this graduation card pack.
Graduation card pack includes 6 cards in 2 designs (3 of each design), featuring foil accented graduation cap designs. Each design includes a unique sentiment inside.
Don't be caught unprepared for a grad party! Convenient pack saves money and time spent hunting for the right card at the last minute. Buy in bulk to wish even more high school or college grads the very best.
Assorted graduation cards measure 4″ x 6″ and come with coordinating envelopes.
Printed on high quality paper stock, Hallmark's greeting cards are made with paper from well-managed forests.
Let all the grads in your life know you're celebrating their latest achievement with these cheerful graduation cards. With unique designs and simple messages inside, each of these cards is a perfect accompaniment to a graduation gift or a perfect money or gift card holder. There's nothing like a handwritten note to commemorate starting a new chapter in life, and these cards are a great way to express your excitement or pride. The Hallmark brand is widely recognized as the very best for greeting cards, gift wrap, and more. For more than 100 years, Hallmark has been helping its customers make everyday moments more beautiful and celebrations more joyful.
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